Patient Reviews

Patient Reviews

We know that sometimes taking the first step is the hardest. Finding the right providers to entrust your mental health can be difficult. But we want you to know that at Serenity Mental Health Centers, you're more than just a patient, and you can trust we'll give you the attention, respect, and care you seek. Whether you're looking for help for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to browse the reviews of our past and present patients to get to know our team and what we're about at Serenity.

5.0 Review from J.J. Source: Google Nov 13 2020

"Serenity has truly given my life back to me. There's a level of determination, consistency, and hope that one needs to bring back that person they once were. Serenity has helped tremendously with that. I can't be more grateful for their hard work and perseverance to get me back on my feet. Dr. DeKeyser has been excellent on checking with me regarding medication management and recommending options available to me. She is amazing! I'm nearing the end of my treatment for TMS and I'm honestly going to miss it. The staff, the doctors, everyone! They're all like family to me. I would highly recommend Serenity to everyone that is ready to get their life back. You will be in great hands. Thanks so much Serenity!"

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