The Future of Mental Health

By: Dr. Jayson Tripp, MD


Healthcare professionals are making groundbreaking progress in the field of healthcare technology. Using machines and devices backed by 50 years of research, individuals who have found little to no results in traditional treatments can finally experience relief from their symptoms. At the forefront of this cutting-edge healthcare technology is TMS therapy.  

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 

TMS therapy is a noninvasive, drug-free treatment for numerous health conditions and symptoms. It uses magnetic pulses to re-energize slow or even inactive neurons in the areas of the brain responsible for mood regulation, obsessions, compulsions, and more. This magnetic stimulus creates new neural pathways, thus healing inactive or ineffective brain areas.

For many patients, TMS is an advanced technological alternative to antidepressant medications. The future of TMS technology in the US is bright, with advancements in research being continued for multiple treatment options, including: 


For individuals with treatment-resistant depression, TMS therapy can be life changing. TMS stimulates tired nerve cells within the brain, increasing activity and improving the delivery of mood-enhancing chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. TMS was approved by the FDA in 2008 for treatment-resistant depression. 


Clinical studies throughout the years have indicated that TMS can provide relief in individuals with anxiety in symptoms of worry and stress through its use of magnetic pulses on specific areas of the brain to stimulate nerve activity.  


The success of TMS lies in its ability to repair neurological pathways in the brain that have been damaged or solidified with habituation. For PTSD, growing scientific research exhibits that TMS can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in individuals diagnosed with PTSD. 


As our understanding of neurobiological illnesses continues to grow, studies have shown that using TMS to target specific areas of the brain can have positive effects on the severity of OCD symptoms. 

Cognitive Enhancement

TMS therapy has been shown to promote cognitive enhancement in its ability to repair neural pathways. It can also initiate neuroplasticity within the brain, which may help to further improve cognition.  

Smoking Cessation

TMS therapy for smoke cessation is a promising treatment option for individuals who want to quit smoking but have been unsuccessful with traditional methods, with studies suggesting that TMS can reduce craving in smokers and zone in on the specific areas of the brain that control a person’s addiction.  

Alzheimer’s Disease

TMS is an excellent treatment option for individuals suffering from severe cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s Disease. Clinical investigations show that TMS can slow and reduce dementia symptoms in ways that other treatments cannot.   

Bipolar Disorder

TMS is an emerging treatment option for bipolar disorder due to its magnetic pulse. Throughout multiple sessions, TMS therapy can balance chemicals in the brain of individuals with bipolar disorder.  


TMS focuses on different regions of the brain depending on what the treatment is being used for. In people diagnosed with autism, TMS is used on the regions of the brain that display overactivity. Research proposes that TMS can relieve many autism symptoms and encourage improvements in social skills and visual processing.  

Saving Lives Through TMS Technology 

The future of mental health lies in technology. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is expanding the limits of what was previously thought possible. With continuous ongoing research into new treatment areas, this cutting-edge technology is rapidly advancing the treatment of mental health disorders. 

At Serenity we employ technology solutions such as TMS to improve the lives of our patients. If other treatments have failed you, TMS could be your solution for long-term remission. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment today. 

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