Mental Health Blog
Expert Psychiatry in San Antonio: How Serenity Makes a Difference
Psychiatry in San Antonio
Psychiatric Hospitals in San Antonio: A Local Path to Mental Wellness
Finding the Best Psychiatric Hospital in San Antonio
Say Hello to Our Newest Providers!
We’re thrilled to introduce you to our newest providers!
Why is an Accurate Mental Health Diagnosis Important?
When left untreated, mental health conditions can progress into severe, complex cases.
988: What You Should Know About the New National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
For individuals struggling with poor mental health and suicidal ideation, a new resource has officially been put into effect.
Mental Health Myths Quiz
How much of your knowledge about mental health is truth and how much is myth?
The Need for Mental Health Services Among the LGBTQ+ Community
Statistics do indicate that individuals within the LGBTQ+ community are at an increased risk of experiencing mental health challenges.
Nevada Drops in National Suicide Ranking, but Is There More Work to Be Done?
According to a new report by Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE), Nevada has officially dropped from the top 10 states ranking in suicide.
The Future of Mental Health
Healthcare professionals are making groundbreaking progress in the field of healthcare technology.
Why Your Mental Health Matters
Mental health influences your overall wellbeing and can impact your life in many ways when left untreated.
How a Psychiatrist Can Help You with Your Mental Health
Mental illness is isolating when facing it without a support system. Don’t accept a lifetime of managing your symptoms by yourself.
A Message to Mothers
If you are struggling with postpartum depression, here are a few tips to make your Mother’s Day celebration more manageable and enjoyable.
Mental Health Awareness Month Overview
Throughout the month of May, Serenity is joining the movement to raise awareness for the millions of people living with mental illness.
Mental Health Awareness Quiz
Happy Mental Health Awareness month! Have you ever wondered how much you really know about mental health?
The Benefits of Taking a Mental Health Day
Everyone gets stressed from time to time, working under the pressure of constant anxiety has negative long-term effects on your mental health.
Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health During Finals Week
Don’t let your mental health suffer as you race to the finish line of the semester.
What Are You Grateful For?
Practicing gratitude for the small things in life is a strong strategy to improve your mental wellbeing.
Responding to a National Mental Health Crisis
There's a growing destigmatization of mental health care, the number of patients seeking help for their mental health has skyrocketed.
How a Healthy Diet Can Influence Your Mental Health
Diet and mental health often go hand in hand. Read on to learn how your diet can influence your mental health.
Welcome Our New Providers!
We’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on our newest providers to join Serenity!