5 Tips on How to Talk to Someone About Depression

By: Dr. Jayson Tripp, MD


And other Mental Health Conditions

Opening up about your mental health can be scary, and you may not know how to best broach the topic. In this blog, we will cover five tips that will help you better understand how to talk to someone about depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.  

1. Wait Until You’re Ready

You don’t have to say anything until you are ready to open up. Your mental health is a very personal subject and not something that you should feel pressure to talk about. Don’t be ashamed or make yourself feel bad for not disclosing. When you’re ready, you will be able to figure out the best way to approach the subject.  

Keep in mind, however, that you’ll probably never feel 100% ready. But you can be prepared, which might help with some nerves and anxiety, including the following tips.  

2. Practice 

One way to make sure you’re ready to talk about your depression, anxiety, or other mental illness is to practice. Your therapist could be a great person to help you practice what you are going to say. You could also ask someone close to you like a parent or a sibling to help.  

Pretend your counselor, parent, or sibling is the person you’re planning on talking to, and say what you want to say. If you’re stuck, your therapist and family may be able to give you advice on what to say or how to approach the topic.

3. Know the Facts About Your Condition

People who haven’t experienced a mental condition like depression may not know what the symptoms are and how it affects people. Sharing facts about your condition, including statistics and common symptoms may help answer any questions the person may have. 

There are plenty of resources available, including mental health statistics  and facts about different mental conditions . All you have to do is search for them.

4. Share Inspirational Stories About Other People Who Have the Same Condition

Referencing other people’s stories can also be helpful. Countless celebrities and influencers  have spoken about their personal struggles with mental health. Using them as examples is another good way to help people understand what you’re going through.

You could also share the story of someone you both know personally who has also been open about their struggles with mental health.  

5. Make It Fun and Lighthearted

Mental health is a serious subject, and you shouldn’t try to diminish its severity. That being said, the ability to not take yourself too seriously can help people see that they don’t have to treat you differently or walk on eggshells around you just because you deal with depression, anxiety, or another mental condition.

Hopefully, these tips will help you feel more confident and prepared to speak about your mental illness. And, of course, none of these tips have to be used in person. If you feel more comfortable sending a text or posting on social media, do that instead. Social media can be a great place to come out with a mental illness because anyone else who is struggling may see it and reach out.  

To learn about your mental health treatment options, contact Serenity Mental Health Centers  to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist.

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