Refer a Patient to Serenity

To make a referral, call us or submit the form below.

At Serenity Mental Health, patient well-being is our utmost priority. We deeply value our collaborative relationships with referring physicians, recognizing that together, we can ensure the highest standard of care for our shared patients. Your trust in our expertise and dedication fuels our commitment to providing comprehensive mental health services tailored to each individual's needs. Thank you for entrusting your patients to us, and we look forward to our continued partnership in promoting wellness and healing within our community.

Why refer to Serenity?

Guaranteed Availability

Your patients will be seen in days not weeks, with most locations having immediate availability.

Emergency Bookings

We have dedicated emergency slots at each location, reserved for those in crisis, so we can treat your patients as soon as the same day.

Insurance Accepted

We proudly partner with most insurance providers, including commercial payors and Medicare.

Industry-Leading Outcomes

85% of Serenity patient’s who start our innovative treatments see complete remission of symptoms while getting off medications.

Flexible Hours

We offer your patients appointments from 6am to 9pm, providing maximum flexibility no matter their life situation.

Close Collaboration

We’ll keep you updated on your patients progress, test results, and other important information to ensure the best outcomes.

Patient Testimonials

Sharon's Story

Depression, TMS, Relationships

“I think the biggest change that I noticed…was my energy level. I felt like cooking after work… I never had the energy to cook.”

“Sharon before TMS, would have just such a weight on her, even when she was feeling good, just not having the energy or enthusiasm for life that Sharon after TMS has.”

Ryan's Story

TMS, Depression, Social, Anxiety

“TMS has helped me concentrate. I’ve been a lot more focused. It’s been six or seven months since I’ve worked a full-time job, but now I know will be able to.”

Eva’s Story

Anxiety, Social Anxiety, TMS

"I loved my friends, and I want it to be around them. But my anxiety caused me to go into a panic, like, what if they don’t like me anymore? (Now) I’m more confident, calm, and collected for sure. I’m not holding anything back. I feel more approachable. I just feel a lot better.”

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