Spreading Awareness During ADHD Awareness Month

By: Jayson Tripp, MD


October is ADHD Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading useful information about the symptoms and treatments of ADHD . Though ADHD is one of the most common mental health conditions among both children and adults, it is often left untreated and undiagnosed. ADHD Awareness Month’s goal is to encourage more effective and accessible treatment options for those who live with ADHD. 

For adults and adolescents who suspect they may have symptoms of ADHD, Serenity Mental Health Centers offers resources such as FDA-approved ADHD testing and ongoing treatment options for diagnosed patients.  

What is ADHD 

ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is most commonly diagnosed during childhood, though it can also begin or continue into adulthood. The biggest indicator of ADHD in both children and adults is a difficulty in concentrating or paying attention.  


ADHD affects millions of adolescents and adults throughout the United States. According to a study conducted by the National Survey of Children’s Health , approximately 9.4% or 6.1 million children (about twice the population of Nevada) in the US have received an ADHD diagnosis. Additionally, a National Comorbidity Survey Replication  screen of 3,199 adults aged 18–44 reported that approximately 11 million (or 4.4%) adults have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.  

Even with such a staggering percentage, many more American adults aren’t even aware that they have ADHD. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America , less than 20% of adults with ADHD have been officially diagnosed, and only one-fourth of diagnosed adults seek treatment. 

Signs and Symptoms 

Hyperactivity and trouble concentrating are the most common indicators of ADHD in children. In adults, ADHD can present itself in ways you may not be aware of. These symptoms can include: 

  • Forgetfulness and/or a tendency to run late 
  • Anxiety, depression, and/or mood swings 
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Irritability and/or anger management issues 
  • Impulsivity 
  • Disorganization and/or procrastination 

ADHD Testing 

At Serenity Mental Health Centers, a testing tool called the QbTest  can be used to diagnose children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD. This computerized test evaluates a patient’s attentiveness and movement based on an infrared measurement system. Test results are compared with results from similar patients, allowing doctors to determine symptom severity and create the most effective treatment plan for the patient’s individual symptoms and needs. 

For more information on ADHD testing  and other interventional psychiatry treatments offered by Serenity Mental Health Centers, visit their website or call 844-692-4100 today. 

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